Team spirit and cooperation are values that reflect the company culture. McDonald’s Nederland employs around one hundred professionals.
Together we ensure that the restaurant employees can fully focus on McDonald’s core business: offering guests good times through quality, service, innovation, and experience.
Your salary will be based on the level of your position, your experience and completed training. In addition, we offer 30 days’ holiday, a modern mobility scheme, bonuses, non-contributory pension, and laptop. Extra benefits may apply depending on the position. We also add value by offering development opportunities. You will benefit from these throughout your career, and our organisation will also grow as a result.
We don’t always expect people to come to us already holding all the knowledge and experience. That is why we are looking for people who are curious, agile thinkers and work from connection. We offer our colleagues plenty of opportunities to develop their skills. This mainly happens at local level through learning on the job and training. At international level McDonald’s offers extensive development programmes in 28 different languages through its Hamburger University!
At McDonald's, we know that many people want a job that fits their life, time to take care of their family, study or simply enjoy their leisure time. We support this balance through a vitality plan and flexible working.
Your salary will be based on the level of the position, your experience and completed training. In addition, we offer 30 days’ holiday, a modern mobility scheme, bonuses, non-contributory pension, and laptop. Extra benefits may apply depending on the position. We also add value by offering development opportunities. You will benefit from these throughout your career, and our organisation will also grow as a result.